Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holiday Weekend…. for Some

While most of us are enjoying our holiday weekend, people in the Louisiana, Mississippi, and southern parts of Texas are spending this time evacuating. This weighs heavy on my mind as my whole family, including my parents live near the coast in Louisiana. They have lived there all their lives and this weekend they have to leaving due to Hurricane Gustav. While I am somewhat relieved since for Katrina and Rita they stayed home and stuck it out, at least this time some of them are leaving. The news channels this morning are saying that the storm is heading right for Louisiana, and is projected to hit my hometown. I want to let my family in Louisiana and the people of the southern states know that our prayers are with you. I pray that everyone is safe and returns to find minimal damage when the storm is past. Please keep the people effected by the storm in your thoughts as you enjoy your holiday weekend.

Thank you,


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words on my blog. Apart from a little rain and clouds, we are very blessed in Tampa to have been bi-passed. My heart does go out to you and your family in Louisiana. I do pray for their protection!

Angel said...

Well my parents left but my baby sisters are still in town and it looks like the storm is going to hit them hard. I'm keeping in contact with them so far. Thank you keeping them in your prayers.

Angel said...

They all came thru okay. The storm hit right in their town but luckily the damage wasn't too bad.