Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Chicago Fire Events

As the Chicago rep of the Wicked Wicks I thought I would let you know about a few upcoming fire events in the city. There is such a large community here, and spinners are getting together and rocking out all the time! I've had a blast at all the events below, and if you are near the area I would highly recommend checking them out.

Give Peace a Dance: Oct 3rd, Friday, 9:00pm - 1:00 am. A public alcohol-free conscious-dance event which starts out with a drum circle and fire spinning. There is also a black-light space for spinning right off the main dance floor. Happens every month, and spinners attend the event for free. You MUST contact the hosts of the event before planning on spinning: http://synphorium.com/gpd.html

Full Moon Jam: Oct 14th, Tuesday, 6:10 pm.
An amazing event for spinners, musicians, and spectators alike. Though the crowd may be intimidating there are many spinners there for support, and you can enter the circle and spin and many times as you would like. Located about 1/2 mile south of Foster Ave Beach on the Lake Front. To see the full schedule of jams view: http://www.spunn.org/comm.shtml

Thursday night practices An informal gathering every Thursday night around 8:00pm...great time to practice, learn, and chill with fire spinners in the Chicago area. Contact chicagofiredancing@googlegroups.com for information on attending.

Also, I've been giving private lessons, which are great for anyone interested in one on one attention to learn or improve their poi skills. I can provide sock poi for practice if you don't have any of your own (you can also purchase a pair from me for $10.00). For more info you can view my website www.voortrek.com or email me at krvw@voortrek.com.

Hope to see some of you out and about in the city!

- Krimzen

1 comment:

Angel said...

Thanks for posting this!! Hope all is well.