Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fire Spinning and Winter

Well it's starting to really get cold here so fire spinning season for us is coming to a close. It's pretty hard to spin when you can't feel your fingers. Screwy and I have also been really busy getting settled into our new place. I am hoping to get a few spinners out once we have some snow on the ground. I always thought it would be really cool to photograph fire on snow. Since we won't have a whole lot going on thru the winter I would share some older photos with everyone. Below are a few pictures to start off the winter season.



Baybay Mama said...

that fire spinning is so amazing

Christopher Sallade said...

Thanks, it's a fun hobby.

Meadevil said...

Yeah, Winter doesn't lend well to being outdoors and spinning. But it does allow time to plan & fabricate future equipment, replace and repair current equipment, and start planning for Burning Man 09. Oh well, back to spinning sock poi indoors for a few months.

Angel said...

I'm looking forward to summer already!!!

Jelaina said...

Hi Angel! I saw your comment on my blog back in August --Just wanted to say I did end up doing that poi class! It was awesome, of course once I got a little more control and stopping wacking myself in the face.

There was so much that I learned and I met pretty cool folks in the class. Hoping there'll be another class in January.

Angel said...

Good to hear you are enjoying poi. It's an awesome hobby!