Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Man burns in 156 days!

I've got my Ticket - do you? Yep, preparations are already underway for Burning Man 2009! This year we hope to expand our numbers as well as our camp. If you haven't checked/know already - this years theme is 'Evolution'. For those of you who have never been to Fabulous Black Rock City and are Playa virgins - you can go to to learn more about it. While this event holds a multitude of art, idea's, concepts (far too many to try to explain to someone who's not been there - it's a 'Gotta experience it for yourself' kind of thing) the note of importance for this blog is that it's the largest gathering of fire spinner/performers in North America. This will be mine and Ernest's 3rd year... and hopefully Ernest will get to spin in the Conclave's performance during the burning of the Man this year. Last year he prepared, but an unfortunate duststorm ended up canceling the performance (This really sucked as his practice times were at the same time as the Lamp Lighters). If you have never been, or have been but never signed up - I highly recomend signing up with the Lamp Lighters at least once. Last years members of our camp signed up multiple times, and we are all planning to do so again this year. If you are going this year - we would love for you to come by our camp and give us a visit. I'll post more details later...

Now on to some real Wicked Wicks news > Spring has nearly sprung!!! Just need the weather to get just a tad bit better and we'll be back in business. Time to look over the gear and make repairs and preparations. Very soon we'll all gather together to hash out our practice schedule. Looking forward to it too - The winter has been far too long!

Spinnings Greetings!

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